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Shanghai hosts International Toxicologic Pathology Symposium, 2011
Update time: 2011-09-07
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 "Domestic experimental pathology calls for systemic development for compliance with GLP(Good Laboratory Practice)". Dr.JIN Ren,Chairman of International Toxicologic Pathology Symposium, 2011 said in her opening ceremony speech. The meeting was held on August 28-29, 2011, in Shanghai, organized by Centre of Drug Safety Evaluation & Research (CDSER), Shanghai Institute of Material Medical (SIMM). More than 100 people, from Centers of Drug Safety Evaluation, Institutes and Enterprises, CROs of China, South Korea, US and UK attended the symposium. To narrow the gap between China and the West in the research level of experimental pathology under GLP environment is the meeting’s main purpose.

A galaxy of home and abroad experts were brought together to share wisdoms. Invited keynote speakers include Dr. Noel Down, British Society of Toxicologic Pathology President; Dr. Gopinath Chirukandath,Royal College of Pathology Fellow; Dr Kai Chiu Liu, Huntingdon Life Science (CRO) Toxicologic Pathologist; Dr.Dale, Thurman, Board Certificated Diploma of American College of Veterinary Pathologist, Dr ZHANG Hui AstraZeneca Pathologist, and Dr Wang Bingsen, SIMM Pathologist Consultant.

Topics of the symposium almost covered every aspects: systemic evaluations of immune organs, cardiovascular system, skeletal muscle, bone marrow, diagnostic criteria for immune-toxicity, and histopathologic terminology, trimming and peer review under GLP regulations. Dr. John. Harleman, International Federation Toxicity Pathology (IFSTP) President, boarded the view of attendances by presenting a detailed evaluation of immune organs. Meanwhile, an introduction of diagnostic terminology and guiding principles on the immune system recommended by Society of Toxicology Pathology (STP) was extremely welcomed. Dr. Kevin Isaacs, Ex-President, Chair of the Education Sub-committee of the British Society of Toxicological Pathologists, brought the effective conduction of peer review under the GLP environment and induction of Pathology Working Group (PWG), A heart trimming flash covering the tissues for full range of anatomical features attracted participants the most. In this symposium, background pathology findings of mini-pig, monkeys and developmental pathology of juvenile animals, were also covered.

It was assumed that this symposium benefited attendances on deep understanding of the development of toxicology pathology aboard, and broadening their expertise. what’s more, developing experimental pathology systematically had been the meeting’s consensus and the same goal to achieve in the future.

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