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SIMM Professor GENG Meiyu Wins the 12th Guanghua Engineering Technology Award
Update time: 2018-06-19
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The 19th Academician Meeting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 14th Academician Meeting of the Chinese Academy of Engineering were held in Beijing on May 30, 2018.

In the meeting, the total of 30 Chinese experts received the "Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Achievement Award" or "Guanghua Engineering Technology Award". Prof. GENG Meiyu of the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIMM), won the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award.

Prof. GENG Meiyu has long been engaged in the research of molecular targeting drug development on Alzheimer's disease and tumor, as well as the biomarker research on cancer.
She leads the development of the “971 project”, which is the first multi-targeted anti-Alzheimer's drug in the world and is currently in Phase III clinical trial.

In addition, the patent registration in the US has been started. She has developed more than 10 new anticancer candidate drugs, of which 4 are in phase I clinical trial. And she has applied for more than 80 domestic and foreign invention patents, among which more than 30 were authorized.

Prof. GENG has been Focusing on the clinical treatment of targeted drugs as well as its sensitivity and drug resistance mechanisms. At present, a number of markers and drug combination strategies were discovered to provide the basis for personalized treatment, and more than 180 papers were published in Cancer Cell, Cell Res, Trends Pharmacol Sci, Hepatology, Cancer Res, Clin Cancer Res, etc.

For her excellent contributions, Prof. GENG was awarded the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, the “Major Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions”, the Shanghai Leading Talent, and the Shanghai Outstanding Discipline Leader. She has also won many honors such as the first prize of National Technological Invention Award, Wu Jieping-Paul Jansen Medical Pharmaceutical Award, Shanghai Science and Technology Elite, and the First Prize of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Science and Technology.

The Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Awards are presented every two years. It aims to reward the Chinese engineers and scientists who have made outstanding achievements and important contributions in engineering technology and management, so as to encourage them to engage in the engineering research, development and application with enthusiasm and creativity.


(Credit:Mao Qionglei)


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