The new Impact Factor of Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (APS) is 5.064 and the Total Cites is 9668 according to the Journal Citation Reports released June 29 by Clarivate Analytics. The Impact Factor ranking of APS has been promoted to a new record in the Pharmacology & Pharmacy journals (26/270, Q1) and the Multidisciplinary Chemistry journals (42/177, Q1).
Under the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief Professor DING Jian and the kind support from the Editorial Board members, APS achieved a great success in the journal developments. The steady growth of the impact factor demonstrates the increased recognition of APS in the field. The journal is supported by the Scientific Publishing Foundation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals from China Association for Science and Technology.
More information about the journal is available at