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Int’l Cooperation News
SIMM and SERVIER reinforce the cooperation
Update time: 2012-04-26
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SIMM and Servier have reinforced their more than fifteen-year active cooperation with the signing of an agreement on February 2nd to create a joint laboratory in the domains of medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, and in vitro toxicology.

This laboratory will be used for biological target research projects from the research centres of Servier and SIMM, with the objective of discovering and developing drugs of the future, as efficiently as possible. The 1000m² laboratory will serve to accelerate projects by sharing know-how and complementary cultures in service of human health.

Professor Jian Ding, SIMM’s Director General, reiterated that "the creation of the laboratory is a result of the decisions of both parties to transform our long-term collaboration, which has enabled us to get to know each other, into an even tighter and more concrete cooperation in order to progress together and deepen the knowledge necessary in the discovery of new drug candidates".

Jean-Philippe Seta, Servier’s Operational President, indicated that "this agreement is the culmination of fifteen years of collaboration in many domains of pharmaceutical research, and the fruit of a longstanding mutual trust. It also testifies to China’s strategic importance for Servier, a country in which Servier has been present since1979".

Emmanuel Canet, Servier's President of R&D, added that "in an exceptional scientific environment, the complementarities provided by the laboratory are a decisive factor of efficiency in the success of our projects".

(Science and Technology Department)

sign the agreement(Image by SIMM)

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