In the morning of February22, 2017, Dr. Andrew Wear, director of Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals at the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) within the State Government of Victoria (SGV), Australia visited Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (SIMM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Jessie Gong, investment director of the SGV Shanghai Office, joined in the visit delegation. SIMM deputy director Dr. YE Yang together with Dr. GUAN Shuhong, SIMM director of technology transfer department hosted the guests.
YE Yang greeted the guests and made a brief introduction about SIMM. Dr. Andrew Wear affirmed the achievements SIMM has made in drug discovery and development fields and learned about the Chinese policies in medical health care. During the discussion Session, Dr. Andrew Wear expressed that DEDJTR was keen to build up the bridges for varies types of collaboration between local companies and institutes in Victoria and potential partners in China.
Dr. Andrew Wear is an experienced government official, with expertise in innovation policy and economic development and has worked in senior positions at the Victorian Departments of Premier and Cabinet, Planning and Community Development, and Regional Development Victoria.

(Left)YE Yang and Dr. Guan Shuhong ( Right) Dr. Andrew Wear、Jessie Gong (Photo by CAI Hui)

Dr. Andrew Wear at the meeting. (Photo by CAI Hui)

Dr. Andrew Wear and SIMM deputy director general YE Yang pose for a photo. (Photo by CAI Hui)
(Credit:GAO Fenghuan)