In the afternoon of February 22, 2017, Dr. Simone Botti, CEO of Metabomed Ltd, Israel visited Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica (SIMM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). SIMM director general Prof. JIANG Hualiang and deputy director general Prof. YE Yang greeted the guest. Prof. XU Yechun from drug discovery and design center attended the meeting.
According to Dr. Simone Botti, Metabomed Ltd is concentrating on developing small molecule drugs targeting specific metabolic vulnerabilities in cancer cells with unique approach tacking cancer. Prof. JIANG and Prof. YE made an introduction about SIMM research teams in drug discovery and the R&D platform. The scientists discussed the potential cooperations in small molecule drugs development and synthetic chemistry under One Belt and Road Imitative in the future.
Afterwards, Dr. Simone Botti visited the Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL) and highly valued SIMM on its capabilities and facilities of drug discovery.

Dr. Simone Botti and Dr. JIANG Hualiang (Photo by CAI Hui)

Dr. Simone Botti (Photo by CAI Hui)

Dr. Simone Botti and YE Yang (Photo by CAI Hui)
(Credit:GAO Fenghuan)