We are seeking for highly motivated postdoctoral fellow with very extensive knowledge and experience in synthetic organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry. The successful candidate must be independent in designing synthetic routes, solving challenging synthetic problems, efficient in synthesizing targeted molecules. The applicant needs to be experienced in using NMR and MS for organic chemistry applications.
Applicant must have PhD in organic chemistry or medicinal chemistry and be a first author on at least 2 publications. This position requires extensive experience and independence in designing synthetic routes for new classes of compounds, solving challenging synthetic problems. Applicant needs an expertise in using NMR and MS for organic chemistry applications. Furthermore, good oral and written communication skills in English are required.
Please submit cover letter, CV, and contact information for 2-3 references combined into one PDF file by e-mail.
Contact: Prof. Jingshan Shen
Address: Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica,Chinese Academy of Sciences
No. 555, Zuchongzhi Rd, Pudong New District
Shanghai, China 201203
E-mail: shenjingshan@simm.ac.cn
Website: http://sourcedb.cas.cn/sourcedb_simm_cas/yw/zjrcyw/200906/t20090622_1763479.html