TCM Modernization Research Center
Personal Homepage
501 Hai Ke Road, Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai, P.R.China
De-an Guo was graduated with his Ph.D. degree of pharmacognosy from Beijing Medical University in 1990. He currently serves as director of Research Center for TCM Modernization and National Engineering Laboratory for TCM Standardization Technology. His research mainly focuses on the quality control and elaboration of pharmacopoeia standards for Chinese herbal medicines. To date, he has published over 700 academic papers, among which 500 plus are cited in SCI journals with 13000 citations.
1979.09 - 1983.07 Undergraduate in Changchun College of Chinese Medicine
1984.09 - 1987.07 Graduate student in West-China Medical University
1987.09 - 1990.07 Ph.D candidate in Beijing Medical University
1993.06 - 1996.10 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Texas Tech University
Work Experience
1983.08 - 1984.07 Teaching assistant in Inner Mongolia Ethnic Medical College
1990.08 - 1993.06 Assistant professor in Beijing Medical University
1996.10 - 2005.02 Associate professor and professor in Beijing Medical University
2005.03 – present Professor in Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1. Phytochemical analysis of Chinese Materia Medica
2. Quality standard elaboration of Chinese Materia Medica
1.Natural Science Award, Ministry of Education, 1stgrade, 2005;
2.Natural Science Award, Ministry of Education, 1stgrade, 2007;
3.Norman Farnsworth Excellence in Botanical Research Award, American Botancial Council, 2012;
4.National Natural Science Award, 2nd grade, 2012;
5.Cheung An Tak International Award for Outstanding Contribution to Chinese Medicine, 2015;
6.Varo Tyler Prize, American Society of Phamracognosy, 2016;
7.National Scientific and Technological Progress Award, 2nd grade, 2016;
8.National Innovation and Contending Prize, 2017;
9.Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress, 2017;
10.Outstanding Contribution Prize for China Standard, 2018.
Full Publication List
Selected Publications
1.Xuan Liu, Wanying Wu, Baohong Jiang, Min Yang, De-an Guo*, Pharmacological tools for the development of traditional Chinese medicine, TRENDS PHARMACOL SCI, 2013, 34(11): 620-628.
2.De-an Guo*, Wanying Wu, Min Ye, Xuan Liu, Geoffrey Cordell, A holistic approach to the quality control of traditional Chinese medicines, SCIENCE, 2015, 347 (6219 Suppl), S29-31.
3.Xiaojian Shi, Wenzhi Yang, Shi Qiu, Changliang Yao, Yao Shen, Qirui Bi, Min Yang, Wanying Wu, De-an Guo*. An in-source multiple collision-neutral loss filtering based nontargeted metabolomics approach for comprehensive analysis of malonyl-ginsenosides from Panax ginseng, P. quinquefolius, and P. notoginseng, ANAL CHIM ACTA, 2017, 952: 59-70.
4.QinHao Jin, JianQing Zhang, JinJun Hou, Min Lei, C Liu, X Wang, Y Huang, S Yao, BY Hwang, WY Wu, DA Guo. Novel C-17 spirost protostane-type triterpenoids from Alisma plantago-aquatica with anti-inflammatory activity in Caco-2 cells. ACTA PHARMACEUT SIN B, 2019, 9(4): 809-818.
5.Chang-liang Yao, Jian-qing Zhang, Jia-yuan Li, Wen-long Wei, Shi-fei Wu and De-an Guo*, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a source of new anticancer drugs. NAT PROD REP, 2021 Jan 29. PMID: 33511969 doi: 10.1039/d0np00057d.