Principal Investigator,Director of PASCRC
Pharmaceutical Analytical and Solid-State Chemistry Research Center (PASS);Institutional Center for Shared Technologies and Facilities of SIMM, CAS
Personal Homepage
555 Zu Chong Zhi Road, Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai, P.R.China
Principal investigator, Director of Pharmaceutical Analytical & Solid-State Chemistry Research Center since 2010; Sr. Scientist and Project Leader in Novartis Pharmaceutical during 2006-2010; Member of Chinese Crystallography association. Our primary research interest lies in the solid-state chemistry of pharmaceuticals and other functional materials. Particularly, our research has been focused on design, synthesis and characterizing of pharmaceutical salts, cocrystals and new polymorphs.
9/2001-6/2006, Ph.D, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
9/1998-6/2001, MS, Institute of Chemistry, CAS, Beijing, P. R. China
8/1994-6/1998, BS, Xiamen University, Xiamen, P. R. China
5/2010-present, Director, Pharmaceutical Analytical & Solid-State Chemistry Research Center, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS, Shanghai, P. R. China
8/2006-5/2010, Sr. Scientist, Novartis Pharmaceutical Co. East Hanover, NJ, USA
8/2001-6/2006, Research Assistant, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA
Pharmaceutical solids, polymorphism, co-crystals and self-assembly of functional materials.
1. Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (CAS), China, “Development of a new Devices for Intrinsic Dissolution Evaluation Using Micrograms of API”, Project Leader, 2011-2013
2. National Natural Science 3. Foundation of China (NSFC), China, “Development of Analytical Method for Polymorphic Content Analysis in Drug Product Based on Gravity Segregation”, Project Leader, 2012-2016
3. Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China “Key Technology Platform for Anti-Tumor Drug Development”, Participator, 2012-2016
4. Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China “Quality consistency evaluation Generic Drugs-Pharmaceutical polymorphism research”, Participator, 2017-2020
Our group has been focused on polymorph, cocrystal, and salt screenings, providing important opportunities for the design and optimization of drug delivery system. We have designed and synthesized hundreds of pharmaceutical cocrytals with improved stability or bioavailability. Our researches have resulted in the publication of more than 50 scientific papers on reputed international journals such as JACS, ChemComm, Cryst Growth Des, CrystEngComm, etc.
Member, Chinese Polymorphic Drug Association
Member, Chinese Crystallography Association
11/2008, “Tiger team member” PHAD Novartis Pharmaceutical Co
07/2007, “Above & Beyond” PHAD Novartis Pharmaceutical Co
Full Publication List
Selected Publications
1. Ma, X.; Zhu, B.; Yang, Z.; Jiang, Y.; Mei, X., Stabilizing photo-sensitive colchicine through rebalancing electron distribution of the reactive tropolone ring. CrystEngComm 2021, 23, (1), 30-34.
2. Yang, Z.; Zhu, B.; Jiang, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Dai, W.; Mei, X., Different Solid Forms of Vitamin K3 and Their Effect on the Chemical Stability. Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 21, (1), 528-535.
3. Zhu, B.; Zhang, Q.; Lu, L.; Bao, J.; Rong, X.; Wang, J. R.; Mei, X., Cocrystals to tune oily vitamin E into crystal vitamin E. Int. J. Pharm. 2021, 592, 120057.
4. Wang, D.; Yang, Z.; Zhu, B.; Mei, X.; Luo, X., Machine-Learning-Guided Cocrystal Prediction Based on Large Data Base. Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, (10), 6610-6621.
5. Guo, C.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, B.; Zhang, Z.; Bao, J.; Ding, Q.; Ren, G.; Mei, X., Pharmaceutical Cocrystals of Nicorandil with Enhanced Chemical Stability and Sustained Release. Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, (10), 6995-7005.
6. Guo, C.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, B.; Zhang, Z.; Ma, X.; Dai, W.; Gong, X.; Ren, G.; Mei, X., Drug–Drug Cocrystals Provide Significant Improvements of Drug Properties in Treatment with Progesterone. Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, (5), 3053-3063.
7. Guo, M.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, Z.; Ding, Q.; Lu, L.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., The axial chirality hidden in vitamin D and its application in cocrystal prediction. CrystEngComm 2020, 22, (18), 3095-3099.
8. Li, M.; Li, Z.; Wang, J.-r.; Mei, X., Hydrochromism behaviors of solid forms of chelerythrine hydrochloride. CrystEngComm 2019, 21, (39), 5915-5921.
9. Guo, C.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, B.; Zhu, B.; Zhou, W.; Ren, G.; Mei, X., Solvatochromism and mechanochromism observed in a triphenylamine derivative. Acta Cryst. B 2019, 75, (5), 839-844.
10. Peng, B.; He, H.; Li, M.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Comparison of the crystal structures and physicochemical properties of novel resveratrol cocrystals. Acta Cryst. B 2019, 75, (6), 1186-1196.
11. Zhu, B.; Fang, X.; Zhang, Q.; Mei, X.; Ren, G., Study of Crystal Structures, Properties, and Form Transformations among a Polymorph, Hydrates, and Solvates of Apatinib. Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19, (5), 3060-3069.
12. Li, Z.; Li, M.; Peng, B.; Zhu, B.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Improving Compliance and Decreasing Drug Accumulation of Diethylstilbestrol through Cocrystallization. Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19, (3), 1942-1953.
13. Cheng, L.; Zhu, B.; Ma, X.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, J.-R.; Zhang, Q.; Mei, X., Identification of an Overlooked Halogen-Bond Synthon and Its Application in Designing Fluorescent Materials. Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, (26), 6584-6590.
14. Wang, J.-R.; Li, M.; Yu, Q.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, B.; Qin, W.; Mei, X., Anisotropic elasticity and plasticity of an organic crystal. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, (59), 8532-8535.
15. Peng, B.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, J. R.; Li, M.; Zhang, Q.; Mei, X., Confocal Raman micro-spectral evidence and physicochemical evaluation of triamterene salts. Analyst 2019, 144, (2), 530-535.
16. Peng, B.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Triamterene-furosemide salt: structural aspects and physicochemical evaluation. Acta Cryst. B 2018, 74, (6), 738-741.
17. Li, M.; Li, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Peng, B.; Zhu, B.; Wang, J.-R.; Liu, L.; Mei, X., Fine-Tuning the Colors of Natural Pigment Emodin with Superior Stability through Cocrystal Engineering. Cryst. Growth Des. 2018, 18, (10), 6123-6132.
18. Wang, F.-Y.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, Z.; Gong, X.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Solid-state characterization and solubility enhancement of apremilast drug-drug cocrystals. CrystEngComm 2018, 20, (39), 5945-5948.
19. Zhu, B.; Wang, J.-R.; Zhang, Q.; Li, M.; Guo, C.; Ren, G.; Mei, X., Stable Cocrystals and Salts of the Antineoplastic Drug Apatinib with Improved Solubility in Aqueous Solution. Cryst. Growth Des. 2018, 18, (8), 4701-4714.
20. Fang, J.; Zhang, Q.; Li, M.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Isostructural Solvates of Naturally Occurring Allocryptopine Exhibit Both Mechanochromic and Hydrochromic Luminescent Properties. ACS Omega 2018, 3, (8), 9220-9226.
21. Zha, J.; Zhang, Q.; Li, M.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Improving Dissolution Properties by Polymers and Surfactants: A Case Study of Celastrol. J. Pharm. Sci. 2018, 107, (11), 2860-2868.
22. Bao, J.; Zhang, Z.; Yan, Z.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Cocrystallization in vitamin B9 gels to construct stoichiometry-controlled isostructural materials. CrystEngComm 2018, 20, (12), 1644-1648.
23. He, H.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Structure, physicochemical properties and pharmacokinetics of resveratrol and piperine cocrystals. CrystEngComm 2017, 19, (41), 6154-6163.
24. Zhu, B.; Zhang, Q.; Ren, G.; Mei, X., Solid-State Characterization and Insight into Transformations and Stability of Apatinib Mesylate Solvates. Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17, (11), 5994-6005.
25. Yu, Q.; Yan, Z.; Bao, J.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Taming photo-induced oxidation degradation of dihydropyridine drugs through cocrystallization. Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, (91), 12266-12269.
26. Li, M. Q.; Zhang, Q.; He, H. Y.; Wang, J. R.; Mei, X. F., Vapor triggered fluorescent color changes among solvates of Emodin. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2017, 5, (24), 5970-5976.
27. He, H.; Zhang, Q.; Li, M.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Modulating the Dissolution and Mechanical Properties of Resveratrol by Cocrystallization. Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17, (7), 3989-3996.
28. Huang, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, J.-R.; Lin, K.-L.; Mei, X., Amino acids as co-amorphous excipients for tackling the poor aqueous solubility of valsartan. Pharmaceutical development and technology 2017, 22, (1), 69-76.
29. Wang, J.-R.; Zhu, B.; Zhang, Z.; Bao, J.; Deng, G.; Ding, Q.; Mei, X., Polymorphism of Triamcinolone Acetonide Acetate and Its Implication for the Morphology Stability of the Finished Drug Product. Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17, (6), 3482-3490.
30. Zhu, B.; Zhang, Q.; Wang, J.-R.; Mei, X., Cocrystals of Baicalein with Higher Solubility and Enhanced Bioavailability. Cryst. Growth Des. 2017, 17, (4), 1893-1901.