Cancer Research Center
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501, Haike Road, Shanghai
CHEN Yi obtianed her Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2004. She was appointed as a staff member by the institute thereafter and conducted her postdoctoral research at University of Miami (U.S.A.) between 2006.12 and 2008.12. Her research interest concerns how histone methyltransferase singnaling is regulated, aiming at understanding the roles that histone methyltransferas play in tumorignesis and discovery on innovative anticancer drugs. In addition, she also focuses on development preclinical models for the application of precision oncology, such as patient-derived tumor xenografts and three-dimensional patient-derived tumor organoid cultures. She has published more than 80 research articles in SCI journals, such as Hepatology,Nat Commun,Haematologica , Theranostics,Clin Cancer Res, etc. She was granted some academic awards including Shanghai Science & Technology Award (the first prize, 2017), Avon Foundation-AACR International Scholar Award in Breast Cancer Research (2006), Servier Young Investigator in Pharmacology (2005).
1990.9–1994.6 B.S. Zhejing University (Zhejiang Medical University)
1997.9–2001.3 M.S. Zhejing University
2001.9–2004.6 Ph.D. Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
1994.7–2001.8 Assistant Research Fellow, Lecture, Zhejing University
2004.7–2010.8 Assistant Research Fellow, Associate Professor, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
2006.12–2008.12 Postdoctoral Fellow, Sylvester Cancer Center, University of Miami(AACR Scholorship)
2010.9 – Professor, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
2018.10– Principal Investigator, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
1.Discovery innovative anticancer drugs targeting histone modification enzymes, such as HDAC, EZH2, G9a, etc.
2.Development preclinical models such PDX, PDO for the application of precision oncology
Full Publication List
Selected Publications
1. Xie S#, Wei F#, Sun YM, Gao YL, Pan LL, Tan MJ, Wang SD, Ding J*, Chen Y*. EZH2 inhibitors abrogate upregulation of trimethylation of H3K27 by CDK9 inhibitors and potentiate its activity against diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Haematologica. 2020;105(4):1021-1031.
2. Zhang J#, Wang YF#, Shen YY, He PX, Ding J*, Chen Y * G9a stimulates CRC growth by inducing p53 Lys373 dimethylation-dependent activation of Plk1. Theranostics. 2018, 8(10):2884-2895.
3. Wang YF, Zhang J, Su Y, Shen YY, Jiang DX, Hou YY, Geng MY*, Ding J*, Chen Y*. G9a regulates breast cancer growth by modulating iron homeostasis through the repression of ferroxidase hephaestin. Nat Commun. 2017;8(1):274
4. Yue X#, Ai J#, Xu Y#, Chen Y#, Huang M, Yang X, Hu B, Zhang H, He C, Yang X, Tang W, Peng X, Dong L, Wang H, Fan J, Ding J, Geng M. Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor promotes tumor growth in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2017;65(6):1948-1962.
5. Chen Y, Guggisberg N, Jorda M, Gonzalez-Angulo A, Hennessy B, Mills GB, Tan CK, Slingerland JM. Combined Src and aromatase inhibition impairs human breast cancer growth in vivo and bypass pathways are activated in AZD0530-resistant tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 2009;15(10):3396-3405.
6. Huang X, Yan J, Zhang M, Wang y, Chen Y, Fu X, Wei R, Zheng X, Liu Z, Zhang X, Yang H, Hao B, Shen Y, Su Y, Cong X, Huang M, Tan M, Ding J, Geng M. Targeting Epigenetic Crosstalk as a Therapeutic Strategy for EZH2-Aberrant Solid Tumors. Cell 2018;175(1):186-199.