Principal Investigator
Biotech Drug Research Center
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Room 342, Building #1, 720 Cailun Road, Pudong, Shanghai
Dr. WANG Chunhe (Clay) was graduated with his PhD degree from SIMM and received postdoctoral training at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), where he served also as Assistant Professor for 4 years. While at OHSU, he generated the world’s first GPR30-“knockout” mice and led a fusion protein drug to Phase I clinical trials. From 2009 to 2015, he worked at Eli Lilly and Co (Indianapolis), specialized in antibody discovery research for cancers and autoimmune diseases. He had experience in leading molecules from target validation to clinical development stages. Since returning to SIMM in 2015, he has successfully established an antibody discovery and engineering platform and invented several antibody therapeutics that are moving to the clinic.
1999.09 - 2005.07 Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neuroimmunology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon
1994.09 - 1999.07 Ph.D. in Pharmacology, Shanghai Institute of Material Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
1990.09 - 1994.06 B.S. in Microbiology (with honors), Shandong University, Jinan, China.
Work Experience
2015.05-Present Professor, Biotherapeutics Discovery Research, Shanghai Institute of Material Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
2009.03- 2015.04 Senior Research Scientist, Biotechnology Discovery Research, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana
2005.04 - 2009.02 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon
1.1999.06 President’s Scholarship, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Full Publication List
Selected Publications
1.王春河、万亚坤、黄鹏、李佳。生物技术药物兴起与展望。《现代药物研发回顾与展望--新药研发何去何从》,白东鲁、沈竞康编,化工出版社 2019。
2.Chen, Y., Zhang, YN., Yan, R. Wang, G., Zhang Y., Zhang Z.R., Li Y, Ou J., Chu, W., Liang Z., Wang Y., Chen Y.L., Chen G., Wang Q., Zhou Q., Zhang B., Wang C. 2021. ACE2-targeting monoclonal antibody as potent and broad-spectrum coronavirus blocker. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 6, 315.
3.Shao, T., Chen T., Chen, Y., Liu, X., Chen, Y.L., Wang, Q., Wang C., 2020. Construction of Paclitaxel-Based Antibody Drug Conjugate with PEGylated Linker to Achieve Superior Therapeutic Index. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 15:132
4.Bodhankar, S., Wang, C., Vandenbark, A.A., and Offner, H. 2011. Estrogen-induced protection against experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is abrogated in the absence of B cells. Eur. J. Immunol. 41:1165.
5.Wang, C., Li, Y., Proctor, T. M., Vandenbark, A. A. and Offner H. 2010. Down-modulation of programmed death 1 alters regulatory T cells and promotes experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J. Neurosci. Res. 88:7.
6.Wang, C., Dehghani, B., Li, Y., Kaler, L. J., Vandenbark, A. A., and Offner H., 2009. Oestrogen modulates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and interleukin-17 production via programmed death 1. Immunology 126:329.
7.Wang, C., Dehghani, B., Li, Y., Kaler, L. J., Proctor, T., Vandenbark, A. A. and Offner, H. 2009. Membrane estrogen receptor regulates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis through up-regulation of programmed death 1. J. Immunol. 182:3294.
8.Offner, H., Sinha, S., Wang, C., Burrows, G. G., and Vandenbark. A. A., 2008. Recombinant T cell receptor ligands: immunomodulatory, neuroprotective and neuroregenerative effects suggest application as therapy for multiple sclerosis. Rev. Neurosci. 19:327.
9.Wang, C., Dehghani, B., Magrisso, I. J., Rick, E. A., Bonhomme, E., Cody, D. B., Elenich, L. A., Subramanian, S., Murphy, S. J., Kelly, M. J., Rosenbaum, J. S., Vandenbark, A. A. and Offner H. 2008. GPR30 contributes to estrogen-induced thymic atrophy. Mol. Endocrinol. 22:636.
10.Wang, C., Gold, B.G., Kaler, L.J., Yu, X., Afentoulis, M.E., Burrows G.G., Vandenbark, A.A., Bourdette, D.N., Offner, H. 2006. Antigen-specific therapy promotes repair of myelin and axonal damage in established EAE. J. Neurochem. 98: 1816.
11.Wang, C., Chou, Y. C., Rich, C. M., Link, J.M., Afentoulisa, M. E., van Noort, J. M., Wawrousekd, E. F., Offner, H., Vandenbarka, A. A. 2006. αB-crystallin-reactive T cells from knockout mice are not encephalitogenic. J. Neruoimmunol. 176: 51.
12.Offner, H., Subramanian, S., Parker, S.M., Wang, C., Afentoulis, M. E., Lewis, A., Vandenbark, A. A. and Hurn P. D. 2006. Splenic atrophy in experimental stroke is accompanied by increased Treg cells and circulating macrophages. J. Immunol. 176: 6523.
13.Offner, H., Subramanian, S., Wang, C., Afentoulis, M. E., Vandenbark, A. A., Huan, J., and Burrows, G. G. 2005. Treatment of passive EAE in SJL mice with a recombinant TCR ligand induces high levels of IL-13. J.Immunol. 175: 4103.
14.Wang, C., Buck, D. C., Yang, R, Macey, T. A., and Neve, K. A. 2005. Dopamine D2 receptor stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases mediated by cell type-dependent transactivation of receptor tyrosine kinases. J.Neurochem. 93: 899.
15.Chou, Y. K., Burrows, G. G., LaTocha, D., Wang, C., Subramanian, S., Bourdette, D. N., and Vandenbark, A. A. 2004. CD4 T-cell epitopes of human alpha B-crystallin. J.Neurosci.Res. 75: 516.
16.Wang, C., Mooney, J. L., Meza-Romero, R., Chou, Y. K., Huan, J., Vandenbark, A. A., Offner, H., and Burrows, G. G. 2003. Recombinant TCR ligand induces early TCR signaling and a unique pattern of downstream activation. J.Immunol. 171: 1934.
17.Vandenbark, A. A., Rich, C., Mooney, J., Zamora, A., Wang, C., Huan, J., Fugger, L., Offner, H., Jones, R., and Burrows, G. G. 2003. Recombinant TCR ligand induces tolerance to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55 peptide and reverses clinical and histological signs of chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in HLA-DR2 transgenic mice. J.Immunol. 171: 127.
18.Burrows G. G., Chou Y. K., Wang C., Chang J. W., Finn T. P., Culbertson N. E., Kim J, Bourdette D. N., Lewinsohn D. A., Lewinsohn D. M., Ikeda M, Yoshioka T, Allen C. N., Offner H, Vandenbark A. A. 2001. Rudimentary TCR signaling triggers default IL-10 secretion by human Th1 cells. J Immunol 167: 4386.
19.Wang C, Zhou D. H., Chen J, Chi Z. Q. 1999. Leucine-2-alanine enkephalin induced delta opioid receptors internalization expressed stably in CHO cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 20: 491.
20.Wang C, Zhou D. H., Chen Z. J., Wei Q, Chen J, Li G. F., Pei G, Chi Z. Q. 1998. The C-truncated delta-opioid receptor underwent agonist-dependent activation and desensitization. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 249: 321.
21.Wang C, Zhou D. H., Chen J, Li G. F., Pei G., Chi Z. Q. 1997. Binding properties of C-truncated delta opioid receptors. Acta Pharmacol Sin 18: 337.
22.Wei Q, Zhou D. H., Shen Q. X., Wang C, Pei G, Chi Z. Q. 1998. Human mu-opioid receptor overexpressed in baculovirus system and its pharmacological characterizations. Acta Pharmacol Sin 19: 218.
23.Zhu X. L., Wang C, Chen Z. J., Wu Y. L., Zhou D. H., Pei G. 1997. The carboxyl terminus mouse delta-opioid receptor is not required for agonist-dependent activation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 232: 513.