Principal Investigator
Carbohydrate-Based Drug Research Center
Personal Homepage
Room 343, Building #1, 720 Cailun Road, Pudong, Shanghai 201203
Dr. Qiu obtained his Ph.D. from Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences on 2010 with a focus on Glycochemistry and Glycobiology. After that, he worked as Postdoctoral Research Associate and Senior Research Associate in the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center at The University of Georgia. In January 2019, Dr. Qiu start his own lab in Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Qiu’s group employ interdisciplinary ways such as omics, molecular cell biology, genome editing, mouse genetics, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, and organic chemistry to investigate the structure and function of carbohydrates and glycoconjugates during development, homeostasis, and disease, with the aim to develop novel diagnostics and therapeutics. Dr. Qiu’s research has been published on Nature Methods, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Oncogene, Biomacromolecules, etc. Dr. Qiu is awardee of the American Heart Association (AHA) Postdoctoral Fellowship and Scientist Development Grant.
2004.8-2010 Ph.D. in Molecular Pharmacology (Glycochemistry & Glycobiology), Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China
1999-2003 B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutical Engineering), Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
Professional Experience:
2019.1-Now Principal Investigator and Professor, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2017.7-2018.12 Senior Research Associate, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (CCRC), University of Georgia
2010.6-2017.6 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (CCRC), University of Georgia.
We are primarily interested in the structure and function of Carbohydrates & Glycoconjugates during development, homeostasis, and disease with the long-term goal to translate the novel discovery into diagnostics and therapeutics.
Full Publication List
Selected Publications
1. Qiu H, Shi SS, Yue J, Xin M, Nairn AV, Lin L, Liu X, Li G, Archer-hartmann SA, Dela Rosa M, Galizzi M, Wang S, Zhang F, Azadi P, van Kuppevelt TH, Cardoso WV, Kimata K, Ai X, Moremen KW, Esko JD, Linhardt RJ, Wang L (2018). A mutant cell library for systematic analysis of heparan sulfate structure-function relationships. Nature Methods. 15(11)889-899.
2. Qiu H, Shi S, Wang S, Peng H, Ding S, Wang L (2018). Proteomic profiling exosomes from vascular smooth muscle cells. Proteomics Clinical Applications. 2018 Apr 24:e1700097.
3. Thieker DF, Xu Y, Chapla D, Nora C, Qiu H, Felix T, Wang L, Moremen KW, Liu J, Esko JD, Woods RJ. Downstream Products are Potent Inhibitors of the Heparan Sulfate 2-O-Sulfotransferase. Scientific Reports. 2018 Aug 7;8(1):11832.
4. Zhao W, Zhu T, Cheng R, Liu Y, He J, Qiu H, Wang L, Nagy T, Querec TD, Unger ER, Mao L (2016). Label-Free and Continuous-Flow Ferrohydrodynamic Separation of Hela Cells and Blood Cells in Biocompatible Ferrofluids. Advanced Functional Materials. 26(22):3990-3998.
5. Guo C, Fan X, Qiu H, Xiao W, Wang L, Xu B (2015). High-resolution probing heparan sulfate-antithrombin interaction on single endothelial cell surface: Single-molecule AFM studies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17(30): 13301-13306.
6. Qiu H, Xiao WY, Yue, JW, Wang L (2015). Heparan sulfate regulates slit3 induced endothelial cell migration. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1229:549-555.
7. Xiao F, Qiu H, Cui HX, Ni XY, Li J, Liao WF, Lu LN, Ding K (2015). MicroRNA-885-3p inhibits growth of xenografted colon cancer HT-29 cells by disrupting angiogenesis via targeting BMPR1A and blocking BMP/Smad/Id1 signaling. Oncogene. 34(15):1968-1978.
8. Zhang B, Xiao WY, Qiu H, Wang L et al. (2014) Congenital-Diaphragmatic-Hernia Results from Disruption of Slit3-Robo4-Heparan Sulfate Signaling-elicited Developmental Angiogenesis. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 124(1):209-221
9. Qiu H, Jiang J, Liu M, Huang X, Ding SJ, Wang L (2013). Quantitative Phosphoproteomics Reveals Broad Regulatory Roles of Heparan Sulfate on Endothelial Signaling. Molecular Cellular Proteomics. 12(8):2160-2173
10. Xiao F, Qiu H, Zhou L, Shen X, Yang L, Ding K (2013). WSS25 inhibits Dicer, downregulating microRNA-210 which targets Ephrin-A3, to suppress human microvascular endothelial cell (HMEC-1) tube formation. Glycobiology. 23(5):524-535.
11. Zhang S, Condac E, Qiu H, Jiang J, Gutierrez-Sanchez G, Bergmann C, Handel T, Wang L (2012). Heparin-Induced Leukocytosis Requires 6-O-Sulfation and is Caused by Blockade of Selectin- and CXCL12-Mediated Leukocyte Trafficking in Mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287(8):5542-5553.
12. Xu YX, Dong Q, Qiu H, Ma CW, Ding K (2011). A homogalacturonan from the radix of Platycodon grandiflorum and the anti-angiogenesis activity of poly-/oligogalacturonic acids derived therefrom. Carbohydrate Research. 346(13):1930-1936.
13. Xu YX, Dong Q, Qiu H, Ding K (2010). Structure elucidation of an arabinogalactan from Platycodon grandiflorum roots and anti-angiogenic activity of its sulfated derivatives. Biomacromolecules. 11(10): 2558-2566.
14. Qiu H, Yang B, Pei ZC, Zhang Z, Ding K. (2010). WSS25 repressed hepatocarcinoma growth through disrupting tumor angiogenesis via blocking the BMP/Smad/Id1 signaling. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285(42): 32638-32646.
15. Tong XK*, Qiu H* Tang W, Ding K, Zuo JP et al (2010). WSS45, a sulfated α-D-glucan from Gastrodia elata Bl., strongly interferes with Dengue 2 virus infection in vitro. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 31(5): 585-592. *, Co-first author.
16. Zhang Z, Wang S, Qiu H, Duan CH, Ding K, Wang ZT (2009). Waltonitone induces human hepatocellular carcinoma cells apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Letters. 286(2):223-31.
17. Qiu H*, Tang W*, Tong X, Ding K, Zuo J (2007). Structure elucidation and sulfated derivatives preparation of two alpha-D-glucans from Gastrodia elata Bl. and their anti-dengue virus bioactivities. Carbohydrate Research. 342(15):2230-6. *, Co-first author.