Professor/Ph.D candidate supervisor, Principal Investigator
Biotech Drug Research Center
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501 Haike Road, Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong, Shanghai, P.R.China. 201203
Dr. HUANG Wei obtained his Ph.D. in organic chemistry at Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences on 2005. He joined Dr Prestwich’s lab in University of Utah as a postdoctoral fellow from 2005-2006. On 2006, he was recruited as a research associate in Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine and was promoted to assistant professor rank on 2010. Since 2012, Dr. Huang was appointed as a principal investigator and professor of medicinal chemistry in Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Wei Huang has engaged in protein glycosylation studies for years. His research focuses on glycol-remodeling and optimization of MAb drugs, ADC development, glycsoyaltion of drug receptors, and glycan remodeling of living cells. He has published over 70 scientific papers on Nat. Chem. Biol., Nat. Protoco., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., J. Med. Chem., and other high-impact scientific journals. His papers were cited over 2500 times during the past 5 years with a H-index of 28.
09/01/2002 - 07/01/2005 Ph.D., Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
09/01/1999 - 07/01/2002 M.S., Shenyang Pharmaceutical University
09/01/1995 - 07/01/1999 B.E., Shenyang Pharmaceutical University
10/01/2012 - now Professor, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica
07/01/2010 - 10/01/2012 Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine
09/01/2006 - 07/01/2010 Research Associate, University of Maryland School of Medicine
10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Utah School of Pharmacy
1. Glycan remodeling on therapeutic antibodies and ADCs (Antibody-drug conjugates)
2. Glycosylation modification on natural products
3. Glycan structure and function of drug receptors
4. Glycan editing in living cell surfaces
1.NSFC,Enzymatic synthesis of polysaccharides as multi-functional drug carriers,Project Leader,2014.01-2017.12
2.Shanghai “Pujiang talent” program,Protein glycosylation in diseases,Project Leader,2014.01-2015.12
We have developed an approach to synthesize homogeneous glycoproteins for their functional studies using Endo-glcyosidases and their mutants. The mutagenesis on key residues of substrate-binding pocket of these enzymes eliminated their hydrolytic activity but kept the transglycosylation activity that turned the hydrolase to the glycosynthase.
We have successfully accomplished the glycol-remodeling of a therapeutic monoclonal antibody drug Rituximab. The remodeled rituximab with optimized glycan structure indicated 20-fold increase in FcgRIII binding which is important for antibody-dependent cytoxicity (ADCC) activity.
2008-Member, American Chemical Society
2018- Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
2014-Young Editorial Board, Chinese Chemical Letters
2011- Editorial Board, Medicinal Chemistry: Current Research
2011- Reviewer, Journal of the American Chemical Society
2008- Reviewer, Chemical Communications
2008- Reviewer, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry
2008- Reviewer, Journal of Organic Chemistry
2008- Reviewer, Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
2008- Reviewer, ChemMedChem
2008- Reviewer, European Journal of Organic Chemistry
2008- Reviewer, Carbohydrate Chemistry
Full Publication List
Selected Publications
1.Tang, F.; Zhou, M.; Qin, K.; Shi, W.; Yashinov, A.; Yang, Y.; Yang, L.; Guan, D.; Zhao, L.; Tang, Y.; Chang, Y.; Zhao, L.; Yang, H.; Zhou, H.; Huang, R.; Huang, W. (2020) “Selective N-glycan editing on living cell surfaces for glyco-decryption of functions.” Nat. Chem. Biol. doi.org/10.1038/s41589-020-0551-8.
2.Liu, Y.; Wang, Y.; Dai, W.; Huang, W.; Li, Y.*, Liu, H.* (2020) “Palladium-catalysed C(sp3)-H glycosylation for synthesis of C-alkyl glycoamino acids.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59(9), 3491-3494.
3.Faridoon; Shi, W.; Qin, K.; Tang, Y.; Li, M.; Guan, D.; Tian, X.; Jiang, B.; Dong, J.; Tang, F.*; Huang, W.* (2019) “New linker structures applied in glycosite-specific antibody drug conjugates.” Org. Chem. Front. 6, 3144-3149. DOI: 10.1039/C9QO00646J.
4.Guan, D.; Chen, F.; Qiu, Y.; Jiang, B.; Gong, L.; Lan, L.*; Huang, W.* (2019) “Sulfonium, an underestimated moiety for structural modification, alters antibacterial profile of vancomycin against multidrug-resistant bacteria” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58(20), 6678-6682. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201902210
5.Chai, H.; Cheng, X.; Zhou, B.; Zhao, L.; Lin, X.; Huang, D.; Lu, W.; Lv, H.; Tang, F.; Zhang, Q.; Huang, W.*; Li, Y.*; Yang, H.* (2019) “Structure-based discovery of a subtype-selective inhibitor targeting a transient receptor potential vanilloid channel.” J. Med. Chem. 62(3), 1373-1384.
6.Guan, D.; Chen, F.; Xiong, L.; Tang, F.; Faridoon; Qiu, Y.; Zhang, N.; Gong, L.; Li, J.; Lan, L.; Huang, W.* (2018) “Extra sugar on vancomycin: new analogues for combating multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci.” J. Med. Chem. 61(1), 286-304.
7.Tang, F.; Wang, L.X.; Huang, W.* (2017) “Chemoenzymatic synthesis of glycoengineered IgG antibodies and glycosite-specific antibody-drug conjugates.” Nat. Protoc. 12(8), 1702-1721.
8.Peng, H.; Chen, B.; Huang, W.; Tang, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Zhang, W.; Huang, Y.* (2017) “Reprogramming tumor-associated macrophages to reverse EGFRT790M resistance by dual-targeting codelivery of gefitinib/vorinostat.” Nano Lett. 17 (12), 7684-7690.
9.Tang, F.; Yang, Y.; Tang, Y.; Tang, S.; Yang, L.; Sun, B.; Jiang, B.; Dong, J.; Liu, H.; Huang, M.; Geng, M.-Y.; Huang, W.* (2016) “One-pot N-glycosylation remodeling of IgG with non-natural sialylglycopeptides enables glycosite-specific and dual-payload antibody-drug conjugates.” Org. Biomol. Chem. 14, 9501-9518.
10.Sun, B.; Bao, W.; Tian, X.; Li, M.; Liu, H.; Dong, J.; Huang, W.*. (2014) “A simplified procedure for gram-scale production of sialylglycopeptide (SGP) from egg yolks and subsequent semi-synthesis of Man3GlcNAc oxazoline.” Carbohydr. Res. 396, 62-69.
11.Huang, W.; Giddens, J.; Fan, S.-Q.; Toonstra, C.; and Wang, L.-X. (2012) “Chemoenzymatic Glycoengineering of Intact IgG Antibodies for Gain of Functions.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 12308-12318.
12.Amin, M.; Huang, W.; Rahman, M.; Wang, L.-X. (2011) Convergent synthesis of homogeneous Glc1Man9GlcNAc2-protein and derivatives as ligands of molecular chaperones in protein quality control. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133(36), 14404-14417.
13.Schwarz, F., Huang, W., Li, C., Schulz, B.L., Lizak, C., Palumbo, A., Numao, S., Neri, D., Aebi, M., and Wang, L.X. (2010). A combined method for producing homogeneous glycoproteins with eukaryotic N-glycosylation. Nature Chem. Biol., 6(4), 264-266.
14.Huang, W., Li, C., Li, B., Umekawa, M., Yamamoto, K., Zhang, X., and Wang, L.X. (2009). Glycosynthases enable a highly efficient chemoenzymatic synthesis of N-glycoproteins carrying intact natural N-glycans. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131(6), 2214-2223.
15.Huang, W., Wang, D.N., Yamada, M, and Wang, L.X. (2009). Chemoenzymatic synthesis and lectin array characterization of a class of N-glycan clusters. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131(49), 17963-17971.
16.Huang, W., Zhang, H., Dayrazou, F., Kutateladze, T.G., Shi, X., Gozani, O., and Prestwich, G.D. (2007). Stabilized phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate analogues as ligands for the nuclear protein ING2: chemistry, biology and molecular modeling. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129(20), 6498-6506.